Here is a list of informations that should be communicated to a new lab member by his/her tutor within the first weeks of his/her arrival :
  1. Office & lab tours : show the 4 offices and 2 labs, make presentations.
  2. Access card : supplied at the library, linked on MonULB, activated by Genevieve Dalle
  3. Office key : ask Genevieve Dalle
  4. Add to IRIBHM mailing list : contact Genevieve Dalle or Sabine Costagliola
  5. Verify if person was added to teams groups (GRP_IRIBHM Computational Biology + project-specific ones)
  6. Connect laptop to copier and try printing something : ask Joelle Sente for personal password
  7. Ordering of office materials (e.g. work laptop):
  8. Add person to our "Meet the team" page and make sure they are listed on general IRIBHM website
  9. Setup ULB VPN :
  10. Hyperion 1st connexion with SSH through terminal
  11. Show jupyterlab
  12. Explain URL = ssh address as well
  13. Explain role of each VM including builder and send addresses
  14. Mention main options to run code : Jupyterlab, screen/tmux
  15. Quick intro to singularity containers
  16. Show github group page and add the newcomer's github account as collaborator to make the private repositories visible
  17. Share github pages link that recapitulates it all
  18. Show the tricks section with htop, killall, screen, getfattr, …
  19. Do a checkup a few weeks later